Heat measurement

Heat meter for application in heat measurement

Typical applications for heat measurements:

  • to determine the amount of heat transferred for the purpose of Settlement between heat generator (power plant, CHP, combined cycle) and customer.
    > Use of calibrated flow and heat meters according to MID 004.
  • for the assessment of the efficiency of the boiler plant and other heat generators (profitability control)
  • for the purpose of accurate and consumption-related internal settlement of heating costs incurred in a heating period.

Water (up to 200°C) and thermal oil (up to 350°C) are used as heat carriers.

The following meters in our portfolio are suitable for heat measurement:


Application example

Heat measurement in an open system with bidirectional flow measurement
  • Type: flow and energy computer ERW 700 with 2 separate ultrasonic flowmeters
  • Feature: In both transport pipelines, the volumes and energies for both flow directions
    are recorded. The ERW 700 calculator measures and determines the relevant values.
    The balance is also created internally.

    Volume Total = (Volume1-Volume2) – (Volume3-Volume4)
    Energy Total = (Energy1-Energy2) – (Energy3-Energy4)